Annual Watermelon Festival in Armenia
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The municipality of Yerevan regularly organizes “Yerevan summer” program of festivals. If you are in the most ancient capital of Europe during the summer period, you have an exclusive opportunity to watch these events and even take part in them. One of the most fascinating celebrations is the watermelon festival, held since 2013. This year it will be celebrated on the 14th of July. This annual herbaceous plant has been popular in sunny Armenia for several hundreds of years. The multifaceted, juicy watermelon originates from South Afrika.
The production of watermelons in Iran is the most profitable in the whole world: they get 433 million international dollars for 3,8 million tons of harvest. According to the statistics of 2012, they get 107 dollars for 1 tone (2204,6 lb) in the United States, and 52 dollars – in Russia. The heaviest watermelon weighs about 90 kilograms. That was the weight of Carolina Cross 180 melon (Seakonk, Massachusetts, USA). We are happy to invite you all to take part in this wonderful event! Festival companies will offer unique ways of presenting and decorating watermelons and the best authors will be awarded.