May 1 – Labour Day
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Labour day is celebrated in many countries of the world on May 1st or on the first Monday of May. May 1st in its modern form arose in the middle of the 19th century in the labor movement, which put forward the introduction of an eight-hour working day as one of the main requirements: Australia (1856), USA and Canada (1886), France (1890).
Armenians have been considered to be a hardworking nation for centuries. The economy of Armenia is based on minig metallurgy, stone processing, electricity production, light industry, informational technologies, tourism, etc. Rural communities, having hundreds of hectares of farms, provide food industry. Factories and mills are widely spread in Armenia and one can visit some of them in Yerevan. The talent of labour of the Armenian nation can be experienced by visiting “Megerian Carpet” factory – museum, “Grand Candy” conferctionery, “Yerevan Brandy” factory and other places, which have truly become museums for visits.
Megerian family has been the leading manufacturer of luxurious handmade oriental carpets and tapestries since 1917, having main branches in New York, Zurich, Yerevan and Brooklyn. Grand Candy (2000) – the largest company in food industry of Armenia. At present, the confectionery produces more than 400 different products: cocoa beans, ice cream, coffe, sweets, chocolate. “Ararat Brandy” factory (1887) produces the best Armenia brandy, which by right is called “cognac”.