May 4-5 Wine Days in Yerevan & Areni
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If you are in Yerevan these days, you have the opportunity to take part in the wine festival. The event was first organized in 2017. Saryan Street was transformed into a continuous tasting area, where numerous tourists and residents of the capital had the chance of getting acquainted with the wine production of more than twenty compainies from Armenia and Artsakh. The guests were having fun and dancing in the open-air under live music performed by various Armenian bands and artists. The venue of the event was chosen not by chance – Saryan Street is famous for its great many of wine-restaurants. The event was organized by “Areni Festival” Foundation. Winemaking in Armenia has been developed since the dawn of time. According to the Bible, after the Floor Noah’s Ark landed on Mount Ararat, and the first thing he did was planting a grapevine there. Great Ararat – is the only mountain, covered with eternal snow, at the top of the lower summit of Mount Ararat the snow starts melting in the first half of August. The latter marks the beginning of the grape-blessing ceremony. In early October, when the mountain is again covered with snow, the wine festival in Areni is already being celebrated in Armenia. Areni – a rural community, located 100 km far from Yerevan, is the cradle of Armenian wine-making. It is called after the local violet-blue grape. In 2007 here, in “Birds’ cave”, the most ancient winery in the world was found. Now Areni is one of the main wine-growing regions, famous for its wineries (“Hin Areni” factory). The Ararat plain (“Karas”), the slopes of Mount Aragats (“Voskevaz”, “ArmAs”), the valley of Artsakh (Berdashen) are also known. Taste all the sorts and feel the flavor of real Armenian wine.