The most ancient observatory of Karahunj
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Karahunj is one of the oldest megalithic structures in the world. Two-meter-long pointed blocks stretch from south to north, enclosing territory in 14 football fields, in the center they form the right circle. It is proved that the complex is an observatory built in the 6th millennium BC. In this place was found a stone figure, which corresponded to the map of the starry sky 7, 5 thousand years ago. In many stelae, straight holes such as stone tubes are drilled through which individual sections of the sky are observed. For more accurate tracking of the luminaries, holes were used as an eyepiece and pointed tops of neighboring stones – as a fixed reference point. For convenience, in some stones dimples were made, where the water filled. The dimple and the hole in the stone were arranged so that the observed portion of the sky was reflected in the water. Thus, you do not have to bend down to look through the hole, but you can look at the star on reflection in the water.
Scientists found similar structures in many regions of Europe and Asia, of which the most famous is Stonehenge II thousand BC. According to one of the versions, they were all connected with each other and built by one scientific institute. Karahunj is the oldest one found to this day. Logically explicable design allows the most vividly reproduce the oldest methods of knowledge of the universe.