The Independence Day of Armenia,September 21
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The Independence Day of Armenia is the main state holiday of the country, celebrated on September 21.
The Soviet Union de facto collapsed in the August of 1991, after an attempt to stage a coup failed in Moscow. Just like some of the republics of the decaying Soviet Union, Armenia proclaimd its sovereignty, adopting the supremacy of the Armenian Constitution over the Constitution of the USSR. On August 23, 1990 the Supreme Council adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Armenian proclaiming the Armenian SSR aboloshed, as well as the establishment of the Republic of Armenia. A referendum was organized in Armenia on September 21, 1991, as a result the Armenian residents voted overwhelmigly for the secession from the USSR. Thus, after 70 years of Soviet ruling, Armenia became an independent State. In October 1991 the first presidential elections took place in Armenia. On December 21, 1991 Armenia joined the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
We recommend visiting Yerevan during Independence Day. You can start from Freedom Square near the Opera House, take a stroll along the stylish pedestrian boulevard Northern Avenue and end up in Republic Square. Along the way you’ll see a group of people dancing kochari, traditional Armenian dance. Northern Avenue is traditionally decorated with tricolor Armenian flags and flag-colored ballons, but it is Republic Square that hosts the holiday party. Indepemdence Day in Yervan is capped off by an evening concert in Republic Square, followed by fireworks show. Your full entertainment is guaranteed on Independence Day in Armenia!:)