May 20th – Tolma Festival in Armenia
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Tolma festival has its unique place among the most festivals organized in Armenia. It was first held in 2011 in Armavir region by the organization “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions”, headed by Sedrak Mamulyan. The purpose of the event is to popularize traditional Armenian dishes. Tolma is the favorite dish of Armenians. It is cooked both on holidays and on ordinary days. The dish is served with matzoni (Armenian yogurt) and crushed garlic. In each region of the country it is made in a special way. The classic Tolma is made from beef, lamb and spices wrapped in grape leaves, cabbage leaves or vegetables. The dish has long been called Tolimis, which means “meat in a grape leaf”. Over time the name turned into Tolma. You can also try Lenten (Pasuts) Tolma,
which is wrapped with cabbage leaves, as well as stuffed with red beans, lentils, croup, tomato paste, onions and lots of spice. During the festival the cooks prepare about 70 types of Tolma, competing in the categories of “The Best Taste”, “The Best design”, “Tne Best Idea”, and the winners become the owners of the golden statuette. A world record was also set: the length of Tolma reached 23 meters. Like other large-scale events, Tolma Festival is accompanied with songs, dances, various contests, as well as entertaining games. All the guests take part in this process. The Festival is mainly held in Sardarapat.