The ancient Armenian village of Hin Khot is similar to Machu Picchu
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The ancient Armenian village of Hin Khot is rightly called the “Armenian Machu Picchu”. The mountainous terrain and landscape strongly resemble the ancient city of the Incas in South America – in Peru. However, Machu Picchu today is a tourist Mecca, but only Armenians know about the Hin Khot. The ancient village of Hin Khot is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level and surrounded by impregnable rocks and blooming gardens. It is located on the left bank of the Vorotan River 67 km to the north – east of the city of Kapan (Syunik region, Armenia). Hin Khot emptied in the 1970s, when its residents left the village and moved to the flat terrain that was north of the old village. Hin Khot is of great interest to archaeologists because of burial II-I centuries. BC. At one of the local cemeteries are the ruins of the Red Church, which was built in the 12th century. The legend says that the bells of this church were known for their powerful ring, so the church was associated with the ancient name of the Zangezur region (Armenian: zang-bell).
The positioning and architecture of the village resemble the location of the ancient Peruvian city of Inca – Machu Picchu, located in South America. However, Hin Khot (Old Khot) is much more ancient. In the village of Hin Khot there is a church of the 16th century called Mgadzori Khach. According to legend, an Armenian woman who fled from the harem of the king of Persia – Abbas I built it.