Mughni church
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Sometimes no matter how old you get, you are still being recognized as the son or daughter of your father. So is the case with Saint Gevorg Church, which despite its popularity, is still referred to as Mughni Church, and most visitors only after visiting it learn that the church’s real name is Saint Gevorg and not Mughni Church. Anyway, the church has definitely not suffered from being called so. As you enter the territory of the church the first thing that attracts is the beautiful garden around the church. Some of the village residents gladly have taken the responsibility of taking care for the garden. St. Gevorg Monastery (14th century) in Mughni town is one of the most “favorite” monasteries in Armenia. There is indeed something special about it – the soul of ancient centuries, the modest sizes of the church, the original architecture or the wonderful garden surrounding it. Something makes it special and it is impossible not to fall in love with it after the first visit.St. Gevorg church is of a cross-winged domed basilica type. It was renovated in the second half of the 17th century. The building of the church does not stand out with any special architectural solutions, but small details decorate the church and give special coloring to it. The tympanum of the western portal is perhaps the “zest” of the Monastery. It is decorated with a wonderful carved ornament that resembles an embroidered cloth.Inside the building one can find ancient frescoes depicting religious scenes. The garden surrounding the church is something to speak about. It is a place where one can find peace, harmony and tranquility. The church and the garden are so harmonious, it seems they were born together and have been together for thousands of years.