Tsiranavor church
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At a place, once called a «fortress» (vicinity of Ashtarak town, Aragatzotn district) there is the oldest monument of that era called – Tsiranavor church (5-7cc.). It was built by Catholicos – Nerses II Bagrevandtsi. The church is a rectangular schemed basilica, with the horseshoe-like altar, and there are two chambers to the left and the right side. During the later centuries, the northern and western walls were doubled and strengthened. The inside is a remarkable double window. On the eastern facade of the church there are remnants of a teeth-like latrice. The old basilica was surrounded by walls, which made the whole construction mansion-shape looking. Because the church was built at the edge of the Kasagh River canyon, it also played the role of a defending construction, and that is why it was also called Pokaberd.